About Me

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Beautiful North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
I am Jenny Pepper, feltmaker and lover of all things fibre... I have been feltmaking since 1996 , but creating all my life in one way or another. I am travelling tutor & designer maker.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Here I go again.....

Its seems a pattern is forming and the years roll on by.....a bit like joining the gym in January, mid year the visits are rare. It seems I start my blog year full of good intentions and then life takes over.
I had a very busy year last year and IT took a back seat, this year I intend to be more organised........

I hope everyone had a relaxing break in December and January finds you raring to go with experiments and making. If you are interested in learning some more Felt making techniques there are a few spaces remaining for 2014 at my local venue. Details are below. If you live further afield I will be guest tutoring around the country, you could check my website for more details.

March 22  Vessel for the Head = Hat     

April 5   Storage Vessel              

May 31 Spiky Vessels                 

July 5   Multiple Resist Vessel      


September 13   Pods  

October 25   Nuno/Cobweb Scarf    


November 15  Natural World           


December 6    Sculptural Tea Cosy-great gift for a tea lover!